Everything we worked on during the Barcamp:
(For English translation see below)
Tryout minimal Ausführung Freitag 29.10.21
Fisher and Stepbrother
Idee und erste Version Mirja Ersing und Sonja Elena Schroeder
Die Teilnehmenden werden in zwei Messenger Gruppen eingeteilt.
In unserem Fall waren es vier Personen in einer Signal Gruppe und
vier Personen in einer Whatsapp Gruppe plus jeweils eine
Spielleiterin, die die Gruppe moderierte.
Die Teilnehmenden wurden gebeten sich auf dem Gelände
willkürlich zu verteilen.
Dann riefen die Spielleitenden ihre jeweiligen Gruppen mit der
Gruppencalloption des Messengers an. Der Timer wurde gestartet.
Die Spielleitenden moderierten die entsprechenden Aufgaben an.
Tryout minimal Version Friday October 29th 2021
Fisher and Stepbrother
Idea and first version Mirja Ersing and Sonja Elena Schroeder
The participants are divided into two messenger groups.
In our case there were four people in a Signal group and four people in a
and four people in a Whatsapp group plus a game leader who
game leader who moderated the group.
The participants were asked to randomly distribute themselves on the
randomly around the site.
Then the game leaders called their respective groups with the
group call option of the messenger. The timer was started.
The game leaders moderated the corresponding tasks.
Tryout 29.10.21
Treasurehunt mit Lapentor
Ein Event inspiriert durch Geocaching
Idee und erste Version von Nellie mit Hilfe von Thomas Kirchberg
Beschreibung: Mit einer Lapentor 360° Kamera wurden Außenaufnahmen des Musa-Geländes gemacht. Dort wurde eine Box versteckt, die die Spieler*innen online suchen mussten.
Tryout 29.10.21
Treasurehunt mit Lapentor
An event inspired by Geocaching
Idea and first version by Nellie with the help of Thomas Kirchberg.
Description: With a Lapentor 360° camera outdoor shots of the Musa area were taken. A box was hidden there, which the players had to find online.
The Clan-Game
Ein Quiz-Game
Das Clan-Game ist Teil eines narrativen Grundgerüstes, welches innerhalb des Barcamps Form annahm.
Idee und erste Version von Sophia Grazdanow, Henning Bakker, Jan Küster und Maya Josipovic
In einer dystopischen Parallelwelt gelingt es den Menschen nur in eine bessere Welt aufzusteigen und ihre Fähigkeiten auszubilden, wenn sie sich selbst in Extremsituationen begeben. Um diese Situationen zu forcieren gibt es Camps, die nur den Privilegierten der Gesellschaft zur Verfügen stehen.
Doch jeder Mensch hat andere Stäken und Fähigkeiten. Daher werden sie in Clans eingeteilt.
Mit diesem Test könnt ihr rausfinden zu welchem Clan ihr gehören würdet:
- Das Clan-Game Quiz
The Clan-Game
A Quiz-Game
The Clan Game is part of a narrative framework that took shape within the Barcamp.
Idea and first version by Sophia Grazdanow, Henning Bakker, Jan Küster and Maya Josipovic.
In a dystopian parallel world, people only manage to ascend to a better world and train their skills by putting themselves in extreme situations. To force these situations there are camps, which are only available to the privileged of society.
However, each person has different strengths and abilities. Therefore they are divided into clans.
With this test you can find out which clan you would belong to:
- The Clan-Game Quiz
The Clan-Game
Erklärung zu den Clans
Die Clans und was sie bedeuten
The Clan-Game
Explanation of the clans
The clans and their meaning
When joining the clan you get a “ gift“.
Yellow “ Jolly Jumpers“ -> fun/excited
Gift : white seed of a “ pop flower“.
The members of the yellow clan are always psyched/ crazy and in a good mood.
The only thing they take seriously is raising their „pop flower“.
The „pop flower“ looks like a normal sunflower (yellow leaves, green stem, etc.) except for the seeds in the middle of the flower which are bunchy. Usually they have 2-3 colors.
The more colors the higher the standing in the clan.
The name „popping flower“ comes from the seeds which explode like popping peas. (Good for jokes!) Depending on the color of the seed, the explosion is different colored and has, if you pay close attention, sometimes a different smell.
Only the colored seeds explode. White seeds are very rare and are the only ones suitable to grow new flowers.
Blue “ Able Analysts“ -> thinkers / strategists / captured
Gift : a small magic book
The members of the blue clan are extremely smart, very good analysts but tend to think too long about their actions and are often trapped in their own mind palace.
In the little magic book you can look up everything. From maps and recipes to craft instructions and historical events to vocabulary collections of all known ( and unknown) languages, everything is represented. You can look up everything.
The higher your level, the more detailed the information and you can look things up more often.
In the beginning you can open the book only once a day.
But later you can open it several times an hour.
Looking up things in the book costs a lot of body energy, which is why the members of the blue clan eat a lot and are generally a bit fatter because they store energy for the right moment. You never know 😉
Red “ Ruff Rebels“ -> Warrior / proud
Gift : Tattoo on the back of the right hand
The members of the Red Clan are very proud and powerful warriors.
To greet them, they put their right hand on their left chest to proudly show their crest. This gesture is to show that their heart is in the right place. As soon as someone sees this crest, he knows that the bearer of this tattoo is very strong and is afraid to mess with him and treats him with respect.
The members of the Red Clan do not have the best memory and often get lost quickly. They are not particularly smart but are not only proficient in fighting with any weapons but are also extremely good combat strategists.
They are fair and hate lying and cheating. They treat everyone equally no matter what race, only strength both physically and mentally counts. They are always looking for a strong opponent or a new challenge to prove themselves. Their temperament and tendency to overestimate themselves often gets them into trouble.
Green “ Sofft Skillers“ -> Mother / Caring
Gift : a magic bag
The members of the green clan take care of others, neglecting or forgetting their own needs and worries.
The magic bag is made of magic silk woven from the slime of the magic silk snail.
From this bag the owner can pull out what his companions need most.
He can only pull out things for others, never things for himself.
After a while, when they become more powerful (higher level), they can pull out more valuable things.
E.g. in the beginning the bag gives you when one of his companions is injured a plaster then a bigger plaster then a bandage and when he is very strong a high level and has collected a lot of XP he even gets magic items like a healing potion which can even regrow whole limbs.
The spiral on the bag symbolizes the snail shell of the silk snail and the life spiral. According to legend, the most valuable thing the bag can give you is a life potion that can bring the dead back to life. (Only a myth, there is no proof of this legend).
Text und Skizzen: Maya Josipovic
Tryout 29.10.21
Das Clan Minecraft-Game
Ein Minecraft Exit-Game, in dem der Zuschauer die Entscheidungen des Spielers beeinflussen soll
Idee und erste Version von Spencer, Eric R und Bela:
In einer dystopischen Paralelwelt gelingt es den Menschen nur in eine bessere Welt aufzusteigen und ihre Fähigkeiten auszubilden, wenn sie sich selbst in Extremsituationen begeben. Um diese Situationen zu forcieren gibt es Camps, die nur den Privilegierten der Gesellschaft zur Verfügen stehen.
Entscheidet welche Türen ihr in diesem Exit-Game bereit seid zu öffnen. Wie weit wollt ihr gehen um aufzusteigen?
- Zum Minecraft Video
Tryout October 29th 2021
The Clan Minecraft-Game
A Minecraft exit game where the viewer is supposed to influence the player’s decisions
Idea and first version by Spencer, Eric R and Bela:
In a dystopian paralel world, people only manage to ascend to a better world and train their skills if they put themselves in extreme situations. To force these situations, there are camps that are only available to the privileged of society.
Decide which doors you are willing to open in this exit game. How far do you want to go in order to ascend?
- To the Minecraft Video
Tryout 29.10.21
Classcraft Story
Der Fischer und das Ei
Idee und erste Version von Sonja-Elena Schroeder, Mirja Ersing und Julia Richter-Smit:
Inspiriert durch die Idee unserer Freunde aus Pietermaritzburg in Südafrika, entstand eine Story, die über das Classcraft-Tool spielbar ist. Classcraft wird vor allem als interaktives Unterrichtstool verwendet.
Tryout October 29th 2021
Classcraft Story
The fisher and the egg
Idea and first version by Sonja-Elena Schroeder, Mirja Ersing and Julia Richter-Smit:
Inspired by the idea of our friends from Pietermaritzburg in South Africa, we created a story that is playable via the Classcraft tool. Classcraft is mainly used as an interactive teaching tool.